In this lifetime we seek clarity in our lives. Clarity where we stand with someone, our position in our employment and, most importantly clarity within ourselves.

We cannot hide the fact that we have the innate urge to compare ourselves to others. An analogy I present is the mirror of promises:

A large mirror covering every corner of the room. Every aspect of yourself exposed in one way or another. The only judgement is from yourself. We stand in this room visualizing our flaws and defects. The room is not well lit because the only source of light can come from the person within the space.

At times, it feels large, alone and isolated. It can be cold and hold nightmares we once wish we could erase. However, the opposite end of the spectrum is bright, and a gateway for new opportunities. The view is limitless filled with promises to ourselves by ourselves or others.

One room, one person, endless emotions that could be felt in a space created by yourself.

The mirror of promises is ironic because it holds a brighter and clearer vision ; yet it also has the dark, never ending escape black hole one might find themselves.

We live our everyday lives within this room, not literally but metaphorically we can try change how we want ourselves to feel. Do we need to become a person we are not comfortable with; hide our talents or even so compare ourselves to a world that will inherently not serve us anything unless we place our offer.

It is easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of emotions and doubt our gifted abilities. It is okay to be sad without reason, feel angry or upset or even just be happy. What we can do is change how we handle these emotions, how would this affect our mirror of fate. Do we continue to feel as if we are in a rut or let go and find joy.

Each persons journey is developed for their own specific story, strengths and weaknesses. A success story does not fit the same shoe twice. If that was the case, what would make each story so unique and eye-catching.

speak yourself and love yourself.

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