My moonlight

It was a long and difficult journey. We both started young, and quickly began to experience this odd thing called Life together. As years went by, our contact faded, we hardly connected, our lives continued to blossom without watering each other. Years later, eventually but surely, we found each other again. Our love was so…


It has come to that time of the year, where we reflect on who we are, what we have achieved and what we can only hope to achieve. Where do I begin my reflection? The pinnacle question that constantly float around my mind are whether I have grown emotionally, mentally and intellectually? Did I make…


HELLO, ONCE AGAIN ! It has been a long time since I have been back. It gives me a feeling of nostalgia and a warm hug to be here. During the time of my absence, many, many things have transpired, to which, I won't divulge into as yet. However, have you been well? Has life…

The Paddock

Paddock, noun: The area of a racecourse where Horses are paraded before each race. After some time and consideration it has been decided that a new Flea Market will be making its Grand Opening on the 10th April 2022 at the Greyville Racecourse. Word on the street is that this may be the FIRST FLEA…

Every step has a lesson

In this lifetime we come across people who inevitably add meaning to our existence or simply diminish it. It can be said that we meet people as a lesson or a blessing but no one speaks about how to handle the lesson. If someone enters your life as a lesson - I highly doubt it…

Miss you

Whenever we think about life we know that death follows right after. The concept of death is so broad. It touches every aspect of life but somehow takes everything away. If we have to think about death of a loved one - we slowly realize life goes on after their demise. We learn to live…

Speak yourself

In this lifetime we seek clarity in our lives. Clarity where we stand with someone, our position in our employment and, most importantly clarity within ourselves. We cannot hide the fact that we have the innate urge to compare ourselves to others. An analogy I present is the mirror of promises: A large mirror covering…

Your eyes tell

In our life we have a goal. Whether it is something trivial or grand, but it is something that drives us to push through tough times. Sometimes, we do not fulfil these goals or perhaps we take a detour. What does it mean to let go of a dream you once defined yourself, or even…